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What a loong night.  At the moment I'm sitting here waiting to here the absolute official word on the vote for Supreme Court Justice. Officially Town of Lake Mills has not reported their vote, but it seems like there is no way that Prosser can still pull this off based on Lake Mills. 

There are unofficial reports that the vote in Lake Mills is more or less a dead heat.  I can assume at this point that Kloppenburg will almost certainly be the winner later today when all the votes are official.  But I can also assume that there will be a recount, no matter what way this race falls.

I served as a witness to a recount in 2010 in Dunn County.  It's an interesting process.  Either candidate can ask for a recount. though of course it's goign to be the loser who requests it.  If the margin is under .5% the recout occurs at the expense of the recounting government bodies.  It's clear that neither candidate will pay for this recount.

When the recount happens there will be a need for witnesses and people to actually do the recounts.  More on that in a few days.

If you have any questions about the recount procedure, or much of anytbing else voting related, please go to the GAB web site, .

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