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Restraining Order to open capitol. DOA says "It's already open"

This morning a temporary restraining order was issued to force the opening of the state capitol  The capitol building has been under very restricted access rules since Monday morning, after most of the protesters left the building under threat of arrest (although the police never actualy arrested anyone).  The idea here seems to be to allow protesters in the building, but in a very limited number, partly to keep the crowds under control for Gov. Walkers budget address at 4 PM today.

Text of the restraining order:


Sent to Judge Daniel Moeser


WI AFSCME vs. State of Wisconsin

Dane County Case Number 2011CV000990

>Ex Parte temporary restraining order. Resp. shall open the Wisconsin Capitol to members of the public

during business hours and at times when governmental matters, such as hearings, listening sessions

and court arguments are being conducted. This ex parte restraing order is in effect until the assigned


trial court is able to schedule a hearing on the matter. If resp. wishes to have a hearing with respect to



this order one will be scheduled as soon as possible before this court, the duty judge, if the assignedtrial court is unable to hear the matter promptly. Pet. shall immediately serve a copy of this order on resp.

A hearing has been scheduled for this restraining order for 2:15 PM in the Dane County Courthouse, room 4A. The Department of Administration has responded via email to the restraining order, stating:

"The Department of Administration today did receive a temporary injunction requiring the department to open the Wisconsin State Capitol to members of the public during business hours and when governmental matters, including hearings, are being conducted. The policies that DOA currently has in place are in compliance with this order. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. today at the Dane County Circuit Court, Branch 3, before Judge Albert."

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