Well -- it's been crazy. I spent most of last week driving back and forth to Madison, participating in the rallies, and trying to cover them on http://uppitywis.org. Now I'm back, and have been spending most of my time working on the new Solidarity Wisconsin web site.
Part of the new web site will be a Blog Talk Radio show, which we hope to run daily during the week, at least while things in Madison are still hopping - and this shows no sign of dying down any time soon. Tomorrow at 10 AM Central we will have the first of these Internet Radio shows. There's a new page for the show, and you can call in tomorrow after 10 AM at (619) 393-2854 . To listen to the show, go to the page on the web at http://blogtalkradio.com/solidaritywis . The first show will be a joint venture between Uppity Wisconsin and the amazing Blue Cheddar, and Blue Cheddar will be your host, direct from Madison. Let's face it, the first show is likely to be a little rough, but we'll work things out. Call in, ask how things are going in the capital.
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